Join Now! Raise the Sails Committee 2019/2020
This Committee covers every aspect of the Spring Fundraiser. Do you have ideas for decorations, donations, auction, event flow, new ways...

Raise the Sails + Allies = $75,000!
Thank You Amundsen Community! Thanks to the incredible outpouring of support from the Amundsen Community at the Raise the Sails benefit...

Join Now! Amundsen Allies Committee 2019/2020
Sales and Marketing your game? Connecting the school to the community sound like a story you would like to tell? We are looking for a...

Join Now! Spirit Wear Committee 2019/2020
Have fun making creative choices? Help us spread Viking Spirit by selling spirit wear at select events. Would you like to judge our...

Join Now! Parent Recruitment Committee 2019/2020
High school is only 4 years! FOA is going to put a real effort towards welcoming new parent contributors this year and every year. Have...

Join Now! Teacher Appreciation Committee 2019/2020
Have ideas on how to spoil the FOA teachers and staff? Step right up to Teacher Appreciation team – it’s calling for you. Contact FOA now...